Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Welcome to our blog

Well, the time has come to create a venue for all our friends and family (and strangers, God love the Internet) to follow the wonderful adventure that awaits us. As we prepare to embark on this journey together, we are madly getting together some unusual travel gear. This includes 400 latex gloves, a thousand cotton balls, mosquito nets and 2 unlocked cellphones. Translation parents: We are going prepared and we will be staying in touch as much as we can.

We (OK, I) look forward to keeping you updated on the numerous activities we will be taking part in, together and separately: stitching wounds, chasing hippos, photographing monkeys and playing doctor. You decide who does what.

We make no promises about postcards, since some of you are still waiting for mail from Guatemala.

More to come, this is just the beginning. After all, we're in Calgary till Friday.

Over and out.